Sunday, 6 June 2010

Skateboarding twins

Hi guys!

Talking about people who become famous through internet, I want to talk you about Nic and Tristan Puehse.

They are a two skateboarding twins (Tristan has curly hair and Nic has straight hair) who one day put a video in youtube of they skating, when they were 8 years old. The video had a lot of views (over 10 millions).
Since that day they've made a new video every year. You can see they progress in each video.

In 2008, Nic and Tristan filmed their very own independent movie set to be released in 2010.

They have a lot of sponsors and they have had a lot of interviews too.

They are really good skateboarders and make amazing tricks.

You can see more about them in their webs: and

I share with you their first and last video but you can find more in youtube.

Just enjoy!

Take 1

Take 5

And doubles


Sònia Turmo said...

My goodness!! Amazing! They really are talented these two kids!! It must give you such a great feeling to do that!
I once had a skater in my class who had been number one in Spain and at that moment he had broken his arm again and I asked him “Why do you keep doing that?” and he said that he had already broken almost every part of his body but he would continue skate-boarding because he loved it! which is fair enough! After all, the things we do in life, without passion, are worth nothing!

Albert said...

These guys are real craks, is impressive what they do on above the table. I would like learn.
Thanks Mireia, I see you!

Mireia said...

Yeah, it's a little dangerous do that. Well, I'm think these kids haven't broken anything yet, but I have seen a photos where you can see the scars of his wounds.

I recommend you that you look in their gallery, there are a lot of amazing pictures taken while they are in the air.