Thursday, 31 October 2013

My profile

Hello class, I'm Pablo and I'm 16 years old but in few months I'm turning 17.
I'm a musician, I'm who play's the bass in the group but at home, I also play the electric quitar with my brother. I have two basses, one black of four ropes and another has five ropes. In my group we play heavy metal and rock but not the rock catalan, what for my it's a suck. My favorite group is GUNS'N ROSES because I lñike the guitarrist who is SLASH.
I'm 1,70 meters high, I'm tanned with short hair and I'm Argentinian. I like cooking but I love eating, my favourite eat is am Italian desser, The TIRAMISU.

1 comment:

Navjot Kaur said...

I love Tiramusu!!!!! Nice English :)