Sunday, 27 January 2019

Hey science teachers- make it fun

Hey science teachers- make it fun.

I have seen Tyler Dewitt's talk entitled "Hey science teachers- make it fun" and I found it very interesting. Besides showing different ways of teaching science, it has made me see the importance of convincing people that what we are saying is important, as he says "We have to convince our audience that what we’re talking about matters, but just as important is knowing which details we should leave out so that the main point still comes across”.
I think the most interesting thing about the conference is the way in which it has exposed the problem of teaching science to youth.
In science books, in addition to having very specific words for a term, there are often definitions that are difficult to understand. And I ask myself, is it necessary for teenagers to learn them? That is, some, very few, will study a science career but others will not. So, why do you need it?
In conclusion, a detailed scientific communication between experts is important, but when trying to teach young people it is necessary to simplify this detailed information so that they can learn in an easier and enriching way.

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