Saturday 20 January 2018

An opinion essay

The world is full of crime, violence, sickness, bad diet, and sedentariness,... Personally, I think that all the problems are important but, if I had to choose one, I would choose the bad diet and sedentariness because in my opinion, it is like the root of a lot of problems big get still.

The scientific evidence show us that the diet can influence on the mood, the health, on the mind,... Also it can prevent a lot of sickness. We are what we eat! There are a lot of scientific studies of the WHO (World Health Organization) wich say that the nutrition can prevent the AIDS, cancer, bone fragility, obesity, diabetes T2, and chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, Alzheimer,...

The sedentariness, from my point of view, is also a big problem of the society because it can cause obesity (for lack of movement) and the obesity can unchain cardiovascular sickness, diabetes T2, bone and articular problems, some kinds of cancer,... and a lot of more. The movement help us to improve our health and to be more actives. One fun way to move is doing sport!

I am sure that if you eat good (real food) and practise sport, you will be more healthy and you will have lest risk of suffering illnesses.


Nadia R said...

I agree that food is very important for each of us individually, but I think that society as a whole has more important problems.I agree that food is very important for each of us individually, but I think that society as a whole has more important problems.

Unknown said...

You are absoulutelly rigth bro! I encourage you to contiune writting these kind of composition! See you my friend!

Abir.E said...

Your text Alejandro has made me aware of many things. I am a person who does not do much sport, and I am not proud of that, so I will try to change. In the future, I do not want to have articulation problems, as you say.