Monday, 24 December 2018


Different, happier ending of Part One 
The handsome young man and Dorothy were already at the Municipal Building. He was thinking of some excuse to take Dorothy to the roof, then he said: Darling, why do not we climb the roof and smoke a cigarette? Anyway the Marriage License Bureau will not open until twelve, there is still half an hour before then. She nodded and took his hand.

As they climbed the stairs in silence, the handsome  young man did not stop looking at Dorothy, he had never seen her so beautiful. She looked like an angel in that long white dress, she was too innocent to deserve a punishment like death.

Suddenly the boy began to feel remorse, now he felt unable to kill Dorothy, even though he did not love her, they had spent many good times together, and after all, she was pregnant with his child. Could he live with that guilt for the rest of his life? probably not.

They were already on the roof, Dorothy seemed very calm and serene, the young man without thinking twice took Dorothy's hand, hugged and kissed her hard, closed the door of the roof and ran down the stairs.

He had a plan B, if he did not feel courage to kill Dorothy he would escape from the city, by the time the suicide note reached Ellen, he would already be far away and would never be caught.

The young man had family in Russia and they would surely welcome him for a while. In Russia he could start a new life, without money, but at least, he could sleep at night without remorse. Besides, maybe Dorothy, feeling lonely, would abort the baby and everything will be fine again.

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