Hi, my name is Melanie, but almost everyone calls me Melito, well more specific my family and close friends. I’m 16 years old. I’m Spanish and I live in Badalona.
I’m going to tell you about myself. I’m in high school, I’m studying sciencies and I like it. I live with my parents in Gorg, Badalona. I have two dogs, they are very cute.
I have Black wavy hair, low height if compared to other people, brown eyes, and my skin is something brown - light.
I think I’m a funny person, although more sociable with trustworthy people, maybe other people think that I’m serious because my face is of I will kill you.
I like singing in my free time, go to shopping, eat ice cream or I usually play with my cousins to the Barbie’s but with the homework I don’t have a lot of free time.
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