writing about me
1- Hello my name is Meritxell but everyone calls me Meri . I'm 17 years old . I'm a Spanish girl eho lives in Badalona.
2- I'm going to tell you about myself . I go to high school . I'm studying science . I study because I want to be a nurse and I love biology . I live in a house with my parents and my 9 brothers.
3- I'm a girl with brown hair and dark eyes , the typical spanish stereotype . My mom always says I have big eyes and she's right.
4- I know that I am an open person , my family and my friends always tell me. I'm proud of it .
5- I don't have much tree time because when I'm not in class I'm doing homework . But when I can i play the guitar and sing.
Ruben's question:
- I wish you exceptional more detail about your nine brothers.
Well, what to say Rubén ... I am the 4th of my 9 brothers:
Pablo with 24 years, married and studying law.
Esteban: with 23 years also studying law.
Yael: with 21 years , she study primary education.
Andrea: with 15 years studying 4th of that at the institute.
Gabriel: With 14 years, he studies 3rd of high school.
Carmen: with 12 years, studies 1st in the institute.
Ruth: with 10 years, studies 5th grade.
Marcos: with 8 years, studies 3rd grade.
Esther: With 7 years, study 2 of primary.
We all get along great, we help each other, but we have our differences, sometimes we fight, we still love each other and we all get along.
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