Thursday 3 May 2018


If I had a gap year and enough money, I would go to all the places in the world, because I love travelling, I think that it is the best wey to learn but I know also that it is impossible because in just one year I couldn't go to all those places and enjoy them thoroughly, That is why I am going to choose only some destinations, those that since childhood I have dreamet of going.

The first place will be Greece, specifically the islands of Santorini. There I will not only enjoy some splendid landscapes, I also plan to visit archaelogical sites like Akrotiri to know a little about the past of these beautiful islands, and I intend to spend whole days in some of the most exotic beaches of Santorini, like the Red Beach.

The second place will be India, I have always manted to visit the Taj Mahal. Places like this give me a lot of inner peace and mental tranquility, and in that calm I will enjoy the trip much more. What excites me the most is to wear a Sari, is a typical indian dress. I don't know if it will be very comfortable, but I am sure  it will fit me.

I would like to go to Finland in January, which is the best time to see the northern lights. Can you imagine what it would be like to see all that colorful lights dancing in the sky? Amazing!
Despite being at -8 degrees, I truly believe that the experience is worth it.

Finally I can't finish my gap year without visiting Japan. I would like to try Takoyaki, it is a traditional food of Japan, it is a fried balls of flour stuffed with pieces of octopus, mmmh... delicious! I can even smell them... - I am kidding, but it must be very tasty.

Befoure leaving I will bathe in an onsen, which is a very special Japanese bath. It is a very concrete ritual of purification, separated by sexes and you have to go without a bathing suit, first you have to wash with the showers and then proceed to the bath in the thermal pools, the onsen.

These are some countries that I would like to visit, and in the presentation I will show you some more. I hope that someday these wishes are fulfilled, it will surely be an unforgettable year.


Red Beach of Santorini

Taj Mahal 


Northern Lights of Finland

Takoyaki in Japan 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your gap year seems to be incredible. The places that you visit are very beautiful and the food that you want to try seems to be delicious. Undoubtedly I would like to go with you.